DATE: June 08 and 09, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: David J. Brown Phone: 208-642-3556 (Home) E-mail 2490 First Ave. South., Payette, Idaho 83661
DIRECTIONS TO RANGE: Approx. 2 miles south of Vale, Oregon on Glenn St. - Standard highway signs to the range are posted in town and on Glenn St.
RULES: NRA Rules 3.1 & ,3.3 will govern.
CLASSIFICATION: NRA Classification will be used. Military and Civilian classes will be combined. Five or more competitors will make a class. Any class having less than 5 competitors will be combined with the next higher class. If fewer than 5 High Masters enter they will compete for Match Winner only.
OPEN TO: All NRA members and juniors of NRA affiliated clubs. All competitors must be members of their respective State Associations.
We will check membership cards. Idaho membership applications will be
available during registration.
Adult Junior
$45.00 Across the
Board Saturday
$75.00 Across the
Board- includes DCM, and all Registration fees 50.00
$ 40.00 DCM EIC
Match Fees incl. CMP fees
REGISTRATION : Advance registration is requested and will start at 8:30 am on Saturday and Sunday. Entries with fees will be given priority on squadding. All fees will be returned if the competitor is unable to attend. Entries will be limited to 45 competitors.
POST ENTRIES : Will be accepted up to the range limit provided they do not delay the match or require additional relays
TARGET PULLERS: Competitors will not be required to pull targets as we will be using electronic scoring in the pits but competitors must score for other shooters on the firing line
SCORING: Competitors will be required to score.
CHALLENGE FEES: $1.00 per challenge
Saturday, June 08, 2024
set up 8:00 AM, Sign up
@9:00 AM shooting starts
Match 1- 2SS and 20 shots for record standing, 200 yds. slow fire 22
minuets time limit
Match 2- 2SS and 20 shots for record standing to sitting, 200 yds.
rapid fire 60 seconds per 10 shot string
Match 3- 2Ss and 20 shots for record, standing to prone, 300 yds.,
rapid fire, 70 seconds per 10 shot string
Match 4- 2SS and 20 shots for record, prone, 600 yds., slow fire, 22
minuets time limit
Match 5- Rapid fire aggregate, aggregate of match 2 & 3
Match 6- Slow fire aggregate, aggregate of match 1 & 4
Match 7- Grand Aggregate, aggregate of matches 1-4
Sunday, June 09, 2024 @9:00 AM
DCM Excellence in Competition ( LEG Match ). The EIC will be fired in accordance with DCM rules and AR 920-30 ( Program is on the other side.)
AWARDS SCHEDULE: Awards will be presented on a basis of 1st place– five or more competitors in a class , 2nd place– 8 or more competitors in a class, 3rd place– 12 or more in a class
AWARDS: Cash per ratio of collected fees ( 50% payout)
A plaque will be awarded the Idaho resident match winner, designating them as the match winner of the Idaho State Service Rifle Championship for 2020. In the event that a non resident has the high aggregate score, a plaque will also be awarded to them as being the non resident match winner. Overall match winner must be an Idaho resident.
COMPETITORS NOTE: Dry camping is allowed on the range contact David J. Brown for combination numbers for lock on gate . Enclosed is a CMP form that needs to be completed and presented in order to fire in the EIC match. If you already have one on file with Snake River Sportsmen from previous years you do not have to fell out a new form. Match Winner must be an Idaho resident - if a non-resident has a higher score, both will receive a plaque.
a.) RULES : This match is governed by the rules prescribed in the National Board for the Promotion for Rifle Practice ( See AR 920-30, AR 350-6 and AR 672-5-1
b.) OPEN TO : Any citizen of the United States 16 years of age or older. ( Distinguished personnel are eligible to compete for place awards only. However if range facilities limit the number of entries which can be accepted priority will be given to Non-Distinguished competitors. ) Non - Distinguished persons may not fire for practice.
c.) COURSE OF FIRE: National Match Course
First Stage- Slow Fire.,200 yds., Target Short Range, Competitive ( SR ). 10 Shots Standing, I minuet per shot. The sling must be attached to the rifle but may not be used for support.
Second Stage- Sustained Fire, 200 yds.. Target Short Range Competitive ( SR ) 10 shots siting or kneeling from standing, 60 seconds firing time.
Third Stage- Sustained Fire, 300 yds.. Target new Short Range Competitive ( SR-3 ). 10 shots prone from standing, 70 seconds firing time
Fourth Stage- Slow Fire, 600 yds.. Target, , midrange. Competitive ( MR-1 ) . 20 shots prone. 1 minute per shot
d.) ARM: US Rifle caliber 30 M1/M1NM.; US Rifle Caliber 7.62mm M1/N.;. US Rifle 7.62mm M14m/NM or civilian equivalent having not less than a 4 ½ pound trigger pull with standard stock and sights as issued; or the US Caliber 5.56mm M16 series or the commercial equivalent as prescribed for use in the National Matches .
e.) AMMUNITION: All ammunition used must be pointed tip, full metal jacket. The projectile may have a “ballistic” hollow point such as that used in current M852 arsenal match round, Ammunition may be either commercial manufactured or hand loads and will be provided by the competitor.
f.) TRIGGERS: All triggers must be weighed prior to the start of the match and may be re weighed any time at the discretion of the match officials.
2. SQUADDING: Squadding will be accomplished at the time of entry for the match. Persons sharing equipment should be squadded together to insure they are put on appropriate relays.
3. ENTRY FEES: Entry fees for this match will be $40 and must be paid at the time of squadding
on file with the Snake River Sportsmen there is no need to complete a
new form
DATE: March 10, April 14, May 12, July 14, August 11, September 15, 2024
Sponsored by Snake River Sportsmen - For information contact: David J. Brown, DDS, Phone: 208-542-3556, 2490 First Ave. South, Payette, ID 83661 djbrown1@
RULES: Current NRA rules will govern - Open to NRA/Non NRA members
CLASSIFICATION: NRA classification will be used. Category will be NRA Match Rifle, NRA Service Rifle; All competitors will compete in their class only - we will not combine classes if there are fewer than five competitors. Unclassified competitors will compete in Master class (rule 19.2). If fewer than five high masters enter, they will compete for match winner only.
ENTRY FEE: $55.00 if SRS supplies, rifle and/or ammunition ( I need to know in advance ) $20.00 if competitor supplies their own rifle and ammunition. (Make checks payable to: SNAKE RIVER SPORTSMEN, INC.)
CHALLENGE FEE: $2.00 per challenge.
POST ENTRIES: Post entries will be accepted up to the range limit.
SCORING: Competitors will be required to score.
TARGET PULLERS: Competitors will be required to pull targets. (Unless we
are using electronic scoring by the Match date)
Set up 8:00AM, Registration @ 8:30 am - Matches start @ 9:00 am
MATCH 1: 2ss and 20 shots slow fire standing 200 yds., SR target 20
MATCH 2: 2ss and 20 shots rapid fire sitting 200 yds., SR target 60
seconds per 10 shot string .
MATCH 3: 2ss and 20 shots rapid fire prone 300 yds., SR-3 target 70
seconds per 10 shot string
MATCH 4: 2ss and 20 shots slow fire prone 600 yds., MR-1 target 20
MATCH 5: Aggregate of Matches 1 - 4.
AWARDS: Awards will be cash based on Match 5 only with one place awarded for each five competitors in each class, with a separate plaque award for the Match Winner.
DIRECTIONS TO RANGE: The SRS outdoor range is located approximately two miles south of Vale, Oregon on Glenn St.. Standard highway signs to the range are located on the west end of Town and on Glenn St.
Dry Camping is
allowed; contact D.J Brown for arrangements
Date | Event | Approval |
Mar 9 | Sporting Rifle 200 Yards | NRA |
Mar 10 | 800 Agg – HP Rifle 200, 300, 600 Yards | NRA |
Apr 13 | 600 Yard Mid Range & Palma 800, 900, 1000 Yards | NRA |
Apr 14 | 800 Agg – HP Rifle 200, 300, 600 Yards | NRA |
May 11 | Sporting Rifle 200 Yards | NRA |
May 12 | 800 Agg – HP Rifle 200, 300, 600 Yards | NRA |
Jun 8 | Idaho State Service Rifle Championship 800 Agg – 200, 300, 600 Yard |
Jun 9 | LEG (Excellence in Competition) 500 Agg – 200, 300, 600 Yard |
Jul 13 | 600 Yard Mid Range & Palma 800, 900, 1000 Yards | NRA |
Jul 14 | 800 Agg – HP Rifle 200, 300, 600 Yards | NRA |
Aug 10 | John Garand DCM 200 Yard – 500 Agg | DCM |
Aug 11 | 800 Agg – HP Rifle 200, 300, 600 Yards | NRA |
Sep 14 | Sporting Rifle 200 Yards | NRA |
Sep 15 | 800 Agg – HP Rifle 200, 300, 600 Yards | NRA |
All Matches have an 8:00 AM set up time and a 9:00 AM Start time.
For Match Programs or further information contact:
Dave Brown
2490 First Ave South
Payette, ID 83661
Friday evening practice starts March 8, 2024 and will be held each Friday evening at 6:00 PM until Friday, September 13, 2024 - as long as there is sufficient interest.
Best to contact me before coming out.
© Copyright 2018-2025 Snake River Sportsmen. All rights reserved.