SRS Membership Application

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MEMBERSHIP DURATION: Please note, all memberships (excluding "Life") expire on December 31st of the current year. If, however, you join or renew in the months of September, October, November or December, your SRS membership will be extended through the end of the following year.

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Longer the better, and CaSE sEnsITive.

Range Rules

Published: 2025-02-06 16:07:51

Range Operations Guide

#1. General
Live firing conducted at the Snake River Sportsmen, Inc. Complex (SRS) is designed to provide authorized personnel access to a facility where they can become proficient with privately owned firearms.

#2. Training
No individual shall be permitted to conduct a training or shooting event on Snake River Sportsmen property without prior permission and written approval from the SRS Board of Directors.

#3. Facilities Available for Use
Range availability is at the discretion of the Snake River Sportsmen, Inc. Board of Directors (the Board). Live-fire shooting is normally limited to the following ranges and equipment:

  1. Outdoor Range (Vale, Oregon) - Rifles of .50 caliber center fire or smaller; pistols and shotguns of any caliber or gauge. (No tracer ammunition) .50 caliber BMG will be allowed only with written approval of the Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) or the Board.
  2. Shotgun Range (Ontario, Oregon) - Shotguns only. No shot larger than 7 1/2 and no shells with more than 3 1/4 Dram equivalent.

#4. Range Limitations and Safety Requirements

  1. Intoxicants are not permitted on SRS property.
  2. No shooter is ever allowed to move forward of the firing line when a firing line is in use and considered “hot”. Shooters and non-shooters shall wait until a cease-fire command has been given and the firing line as been declared “cold” before anyone is permitted to move forward of the firing line. There are NO exceptions to this rule.
  3. RED FLAG ON THE FLAGPOLE: The field of fire down range from and to the immediate left of the large covered firing line is known as “The High Power Range” or “The Long Range.” To the left of the large covered firing line is a flag pole. A red flag on said flag pole indicates that the High Power/Long Range is in use for a club shooting event and therefore it is closed to the general club membership. For safety reasons, no one except match participants are allowed access to the large covered firing line whenever a red flag has been raised on the flag pole.The .22 LR silhouette range, the general purpose range (formally known as the Pistol Silhouette Range) and the Pistol Pits will remain open for club membership use.

Shooters Shall...

  1. Fire only on scheduled ranges and have a Range Officer or Discipline Director present at all organized matches.
  2. Fire only authorized firearms and ammunition.
  3. Fire at authorized targets only. Metal silhouette targets are to be used for silhouette matches only and not for recreational shooting.
  4. Ensure all projectiles impact within the established range safety limits.  Ensure all projectiles impact within the established boundary of Snake River Sportsman property.  Shooter shall take all precautions possible to insure that no projectiles travel beyond SRS property lines.
  5. Ensure range flags are displayed on the firing line at the outdoor range (Vale, OR) during all NRA sanctioned matches.
  6. Have radio or telephonic communication between the line officer and the pit for high power rifle matches.
  7. Call “Cease firing” and make safe all firearms before a shooter moves forward of the firing line or during any unsafe condition.
  8. Call “Cease firing” if a firing line becomes staggered (one shooter forward of another) anywhere on the range complex.
  9. Use appropriate ear and eye protection.
  10. Notify the Range Officer, Discipline Director or a club officer of any safety infractions.
  11. Police all brass, paper, and other debris that accumulates on the range. Dispose of all garbage in the containers provided.

#5. Authorized and Prohibited Firearms
Fully automatic firearms are authorized. However, the owner must contact the Board for approval prior to the live-fire event. The Board can deny automatic fire for any reason. The member must possess the proper Federal licenses and all required paperwork must be in compliance with all Federal and State laws.

#6. Authorized Personnel
The following persons are allowed to fire on the Snake River Sportsmen’s Range Complex

  1. Current members of the shooting club.
  2. Invited guest(s) of the above, provided the authorized person is present and assumes full responsibility for the conduct of his or her guest(s).
  3. Personnel approved by the club officers or the Board on a case-by-case basis.
  4. The general public is welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in all club- organized events.

#7. Shooting Club Members Responsibilities

  1. Shooters will conduct themselves in an orderly manner at all times and will be responsible for the conduct of any guest(s) they bring.
  2. All Shooters are responsible for their firearms and ammunition while on the complex.
  3. Firearms that are out of the case and not being fired must be benched (actions are to be open or bolts are to be removed at all times.)
  4. Members are reminded to leave the range in better shape than found. All spent cartridge cases and target material are to be cleaned up and disposed of properly.
  5. If you bring your own targets, please take them and all the trash they create with you. Cans and bottles are NOT approved targets.

In the event of a serious accident and/or medical emergency...
Range Safely Officers at a Club sanctioned event or Club members using the range on an individual basis will:

  1. Take charge of the situation. (Determine the seriousness of the injury and assign duties)
  2. Call for help by radio or cell phone. (911 or Malheur County Sheriff, 541-473-5125)
  3. Render First Aid.
  4. Direct help to the location.
  5. Take accurate notes, obtain an Accident Report Form from the SRS secretary and file said form with the Board of SRS.

Membership in Snake River Sportsmen, Inc. is a privilege, not a right. Violation of any range safety rule as outlined in this Range Operations Guide can result in loss of membership.

I certify that I have read, and agree to follow, the Range Operations Guide (hereafter, 'Range Rules') presented above. I also understand that the Range Rules are subject to change at any time, but the current rules will always be posted on this website.

I certify that I am not a member of any organization or group having as it's purpose, or one of it's purposes, the overthrow of the Government of the United States of America or any of it's political subdivisions by force and/or violence; that I have never been convicted of a felony; and that if admitted to membership, I will fulfill the obligations of good sportsmanship and good citizenship.

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Join by Mail

If you'd prefer to apply for an SRS Membership the old fashioned way, that's just fine too.  Click the button below to download, print, complete and return the application by mail.

For questions regarding Membership, please contact: Charles Otte, Membership Director, 208-739-9446,

© Copyright 2018-2025 Snake River Sportsmen.  All rights reserved.