President's Newsletter

February 2025

The Board has approved the necessary upgrades to the sporting clays range, including the implementation of a card reader system that is commonly used by sporting clays ranges nationwide. All required components have been ordered, and we will begin the transition as soon as they arrive. Please note that the kiosk and website may take a couple of months to be fully operational. Josh plans to continue hosting the monthly NSCA matches as in previous years. It is hoped that the new system will attract more shooters by allowing the range to remain open seven days a week during daylight hours. Additionally, 24-hour video surveillance will be in place to monitor range usage and behavior. As a reminder, this is a private, members-only club, and the sporting clays range will only be accessible to members and their guests.

As mentioned last month, we have completed several improvements to the Vale rimfire range, including the addition of multiple loads of gravel and other enhancements to various areas of the Vale range. Unfortunately, we have yet to hold our first .22 benchrest match due to adverse weather conditions. The road to the range remains in need of significant attention; we are currently seeking a road grader and additional gravel to improve its condition. We are aware of the rough state of the road and appreciate any suggestions or assistance from members.

As many of you know, our long-time member Bill Dillon passed away last fall. He generously donated a significant quantity of shotgun reloading supplies to the club. If you are in need of cases, wads, or shotgun primers, please contact Josh. Bill also left his personal firearms to the club, which we are now offering to members at a reduced price. The firearms are available for viewing by appointment at Charles Oakes Attorney at Law’s office in Ontario 541-889-2302). The available items are as follows:

• Remington 870 Express 12ga: $300

• Winchester Model 70 with Leopold 2.5-8 scope (Left Handed): $700

• Bernardelli S. Umberto 2 20ga: $800

• Bernardelli Roma 4 20ga: $700

• SKB Ithica Model 200E 12ga: $850

Jim Tsarnas has kindly agreed to run the Practical Pistol matches for five months starting this spring. However, he will be traveling after that, and we are looking for a match director for the remainder of the season. We sincerely thank Jim for his dedication in growing the program.

I would also like to remind everyone of our upcoming annual meeting on February 19th at 6:00 PM at the Plaza Inn in Ontario. While no meal will be provided, you are welcome to arrive early and dine in the main dining area. We will have a special guest speaker who will share her story about an African Safari—by all accounts, it promises to be an engaging presentation. The election of new board members will take place, and the club's financials for 2024 will be available for review. I encourage you to attend, as it will be a great opportunity to meet fellow members and discuss other shooting disciplines you may be interested in introducing to the club. 

Bob Smith

Snake River Sportsmen

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